Digital Signage for Offices & Internal Communications

Share your data dashboards, with real-time analytics, to increase productivity. Organize your meeting rooms with synchronized calendars. Deploy screens in recreational areas to inform and update your staffs.


Display dashboards

Important metrics help employees align with your corporate strategy and pivot when needed. Also, improve collaboration across teams by sharing know-how and success stories.

Communicate alerts

Use signage screens in your emergency response strategy and display alerts in lobbies and other common areas. Additionally, integrate screens with CAP services or use our in-platform feature.

Strengthen team building

Communicate corporate events, training sessions, milestones and successes. Welcome new employees and promote social get-togethers.


Show local info

Display helpful info like weather & traffic updates, news headlines and other useful alerts. Or create your own corporate news feed with organization-specific news and alerts.


Meeting room management

Small screens outside meeting rooms help you avoid interruptions and improve organization. Also, streamline organization with online calendars instead of hard-copy bookings.


Staff training

Train your staff and display reminders of health-code and other safety regulations. You can also use your screens to promote local or international training opportunities.