Shops, supermarkets, malls and more can use digital signage to engage their customers and up sales. It’s easy to upsell, cross-sell and promote products with catchy content.

Organizations incorporate digital signage in their HR strategy to strengthen team bonds. Digital signage also boosts productivity by displaying KPIs and data dashboards.

Cinemas, bowling alleys and more rely on digital signage to get customers to spend more at their establishment.

Buses, metros and trains use digital signage to engage and inform travelers of real-time transport updates. Transport companies also display promotions and ads.

Cafes, bars and restaurants know that digital signage menu boards boost revenue by promoting specials and cross-selling & upselling menu items.

Hospitals, clinics and pharmacies depend on digital signage to educate visitors and promote services. Screens also remind staff of safety protocols.

Schools and universities engage students and faculty by promoting school events and clubs. They also attract prospective students by displaying playlists of campus life.

Banks and financial institutions use digital signage to communicate with their clients and employees. Retail banking displays promotions and services, while data dashboards help employees.

Hotels elevate the guest experience by using digital signage to promote & upsell on-site services and welcome guests. Hospitality professionals use attractive content to enhance guests’ stay with in-room signage.

Digital signage screens help gyms and fitness centers boost sales. Cross-selling and upselling services and products by quickly displaying videos, images and playlists works great for this sector.